
Friday, 27 July 2018

writing plan

with an explanation of how you planned together.

A short explanation of what happened at immersion assembly and what immersion assembly was for.
What happened at immersion assembly? (2-3 sentences)
Why did we have an immersion assembly?
→ Pt england had two weeks then school was coming up soon, on monday we had assembly about moving your body.

What is the name of our inquiry this term?
→  Move ya’ body.
What are you going to write about in each of your body paragraphs? (Hint: look at the questions below).
Topic Sentence 1:
What happened in the Team 4 movie? What is the name of the inquiry this term?
move ya’ body.
Based on our movie and the inquiry name, what do you think we are going to be learning about this term?
→ fitness moving your body and being healthy.
Topic Sentence 2:
Based on our movie and the inquiry name, what do you think some of the activities might be this term?

→ When you wake up it makes you to feel good and you can get use to the cold.

How does the idea of these activities make you feel? Good
Topic Sentence 3:
Based on what you wrote above, what do you already know about this topic?
It about focus and and staying healthy

What words do you know already about this topic?

it about fitness and sleeping at the right time
How do you feel about this inquiry topic? Are you excited/ nervous? Any other emotions?

Do you have any learning goals you want to achieve this term while doing this inquiry? How do you think this inquiry will help you achieve these goals? no

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